Monday, January 5, 2015

The Ball dropped on New Years and so did I!

You are probably wondering what the title of this email means well let me explain to you. New years day was insane... There was an insane thunder storm. Maybe the worst I have ever been in. We were in a house when it started and when we left it was raining so hard. The thunder was sounding as the lightning was striking! It was nuts! So we were running back to the house cause it was dangerous! As you could probably guess the streets here aren't all paved so we were running through the mud... To make the story short ya I slipped and fell.... It sucked I was covered in mud!!

So this week we have listened to so much star wars and it's probably the greatest thing!!! It makes me a little trunky but just pumps me up so hard!! Haha last p-day we went to a waterfall and there are pictures on Dropbox! 

This week was awesome!1 We had a ton of success, we taught two complete families, contacted a lot of menos activos, and oh man it was awesome!!! But also when there are good there has to be bad things.... And this is the bad thing! haha

So last night, Sunday night, we were at a menos activo house. She was cooking us a dinner and didn't have bread, but she didn't hav any, so she asked us hey will you go buy a sol of bread.... Me and my companion froze we didn't know what to do... So haha my comp was like, we cant buy stuff on Sunday. she was like what?? and he said it again.. Then she stormed off to the store saying, "This is why I am not gonna return to the church! Who told you this!" And more things like that! Haha so then ya we sat there in here house awkwardly... She came back and she was calmer, and this morning we did a service for her and everything is good!

Well this week I am so grateful for the church!! We are so blessed to have the gospel in our lives!! Every day I realize more and more what a blessing it is! I love it out here and its awesome!!

Love and miss all of you!!

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