Well, it was really just a normal week! I have been healthy, we have just been working, really no outstanding news!! But some cool things that happened this week.
It was a ward member's birthday this week, and we are all super good friends with him. So he invited us to lunch, we all thought he would just make us lunch cause he is a chef, so we go to his house and nothing is made, he ended up taking us to the super fancy restaurant which was absolutely delicious!! We didn't have to pay either which was awesome!! haha
Another funny story this week is that we were talking about birthdays at our Pensions house, and I said oh mine's coming up soon! They asked when and I said the end of next month, which apparently when said in Spanish sounds like Lunes. Which for those of you who don't know, means Monday. So the mom of our pension got so excited and just started singing, in English which was rather impressive, Happy birthday to you, and me and Elder Card just looked at each other so confused, and then told her the right day! haha!
Really I have been anticipating this Monday, For two reasons in specific, One Jake opening his call and that is so awesome!!, The second is that March Madness!! Holy cow I miss it so much!! haha but some good news is that today we are going to play basketball, know I'm going all out. I also hate to say it but I think Kentucky will win it. Although I haven't seen a lick of college basketball, I received revelation or something like that!
Haha the work here is going good, we are starting to find more new people so that is good. The attendance in our ward for this month has gone from the 80s to now we are steadily around 105, so that is super awesome!! I am so excited for conference! My first one in the mission field, and even better is that the Sunday session will be on Easter! That will be such a spiritually amazing day! I am so excited for it!!
I guess the Spiritual thought for the week is the initiative that the church is doing for this time of year. Maybe you guys have heard from the missionaries maybe not but I'd like to share with you. It's called "Because He Lives" I have pondered on this quite a bit as we are sharing it with a lot of people, and really because our savior lives everything is possible. Because of the Atonement we have the ability to be clean of our sins and live with Heavenly Father again, but not only solo, with our families, which to me is one of the biggest blessings. I invite all of you to ponder on this initiative and the 27th of this month, or maybe the 28th, the church is going to release a video about this. So my invitation is that you all think about this, then after seeing the video I'd like for you guys to write me your thoughts, it could be something small such as Because He lives, I have the opportunity to be clean, but maybe something a little more specific, I promise this will bless your lives as you ponder and reflect on all the things our savior has done for us! I love you all so much!!!! 5 Months down 19 to GO!!!
Elder Ludlow