So this week definitely was awesome and super hard too! I was an emotional wreck after talking with you guys cause that was the best time ever! Hope you guys liked my videos! Those of you who didn't see ask my mom for the videos!!
SO the big news for this week is that Elder Samaniego is a liar!!! He finishes his mission after my training!! So ya AJ was right about him, he was also the Assistant with Elder Bengtzen after im his first companion after that!! So I am his one and only son! So ya sorry I lied to you guys about that but blame elder Samaniego.
Funny story, this week we were walking down the street and we just see this lady start squating... I was like what the, then you could see her push her dress back and ya she started laying an egg.... if you aren't catching my drift, she definitely was just taking a dump in the middle of the field... Ya it was crazy! I am scarred for life1, She didn't even have toilet paper to wipe!!! :O
Another funny story this week was that when talking with Jonny on Christmas he asked if I had had Lomo Saltado, which I hadn't, but the next day for lunch we did!! Its pretty dang good!!
One more funny story for the week! Before we had ward council we were talking with this guy, his name is Carlos and he is a kick boxer, and before we had ward council he was teaching us all these kick boxing moves and how to defend ourselves in certain situations and it was legit!! I don't know how old he is but he's like 50 I think and he is so awesome!! '
Well lets just say that I am super excited for mothers day! Ha that was the greatest thing talking to you guys thanks for all your support and all your prayers, I couldn't do this without you guys! And without the lord! I said some things at the end of my call that I wasn't even planning on saying, so ya I don't know what that means you guys take it how you want! But because its the new year and i know all of you are making your goals so I have a goal for all of you. This is the goal and the scripture of the year to go with it:
Mathew 5:6 and the goal is to STUDY the scriptures every day this year! We need to be hungry and feed ourselves with the word of the Lord. I promise to you guys that if you do this, you will see the blessings of heaven in your life as I have seen here. Your testimony will strengthen or you will gain a testimony of the truthfulness of this gospel. The results of doing this are found in D and C 9:8. I will check up on everyone every week to see how you are doing! I too will accept this challenge!