So just some things that happened this week, we taught Abraham and he is awesome!! He is super prepared, and should have a date this week.
I also learned how to wash quinoa and I grounded bread for service today.
So a crazy thing that happened this week was normally we all hear about transfers by internet on Monday and then everyone travels Tuesday, but there is going to be a huge strike in Puno on Tuesday so we had to advance everything a day earlier. So Sunday afternoon we get a call from the office, who told me that the assistants would be calling with the changes. I was super calm because I was sure that Elder Mann was going to have a change. So the assistants call and, well, I am having a change.
I'm going to Quillabamba. I've really only heard good things about it, but still I'm super sad because Tupac Yupanqui was the greatest ward ever. So all Sunday I was saying bye to everyone and just got here to Cusco today and well tomorrow I'm there. I have heard that it's like Hawaii so I'm sure I will be sending tons of pictures.
My companion is Elder Arias, my old zone leader, he's from Bolivia and we should get along! It's going to be interesting!! Well sorry this is lame. I love you all!! Have a great week!